[1 LEFT] Pokefusion - Poochyena PackShiroTheWhiteWolf on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/shirothewhitewolf/art/1-LEFT-Pokefusion-Poochyena-Pack-1150473785ShiroTheWhiteWolf

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[1 LEFT] Pokefusion - Poochyena Pack


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I haven't done any Pooch fusions ever since my very first fusion batch so here's another big one! Had so much fun with those I've been working on them pretty much non-stop since yesterday o:

Poochyena Pack!

Bee Pooch (Ribombee) SOLD

Power Pooch (Okidogi) SOLD

Fluffy Pooch (Spewpa) SOLD

Soft Pooch (Togekiss) SOLD

Goat Pooch (Gogoat) OPEN

Cloudy Pooch (Drifblim) SOLD

Steel Pooch (Cobalion) SOLD

Thunder Pooch (Raikou) SOLD

Night Pooch (Corvisquire) SOLD

30+ USD per design

Purchase HERE - https://ko-fi.com/craftsmanwolf/shop

Paypal/credit card (you don't need a ko-fi account to make a purchase)

You will receive a transparent png of a purchased fusion through ko-fi

More unsold fusions

[SALE] Pokefusion - Nine Shaves of Furfrou
[1 LEFT] Mew and Lugia - Dream Team

Check out @BlacksmithFox's ko-fi shop as well for more fun fusions! c:


Kofi S Tag Dark

My ToyHouse

Pokefusion designs by ShiroTheWhiteWolf

Image size
3123x3160px 2.38 MB
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AxolotlTheSeaWing27's avatar

My favorite has got to be the Poochyena-Corvisquire fusion