I'm not at all ready for Otakon, but it's already a week away! I'll be in the Artist Alley, as usual, at table S11. You can see where that is on the map HERE. There are a ton of cool people (everyone!) in section S, so stop by! I'll have my usual crafts/plushies, as well as BJD clothes. I'm not sharing with aluminumbunny (https://www.deviantart.com/aluminumbunny) for the first time EVER, but she'll be right at the next table over.
As for cosplay, I'll be wearing my "Boys Night" Marshall Lee again (I didn't bother with good pics, but here are a few random ones.), plus ryutarou (https://www.deviantart.com/ryutarou) and I made some pretty sweet Lady Lemongrab outfits. We made up the outfits, because she didn't l