The Ketchup ConundrumShira-chan on DeviantArt

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Daily Deviation

April 15, 2011
The Ketchup Conundrum by =Shira-chan will keep you busy, amused and entertained as you read all the different outcomes.
Featured by kangel
Suggested by Armonah
Shira-chan's avatar

The Ketchup Conundrum



Warning: HUUUUGE file!

Based off a true story.

Dear lord I truly enjoy tormenting myself, don't I? This here is an experimental "comic" I made about Justin threatening to squirt me with ketchup. After that, I started thinking about what would happen if I didn't answer the way I did, and then that sort of evolved into this mess.

In case you're interested, there are 73 tiny little panels on here. As you can see, most of them are unique panels, though a few were copied and pasted.

I think my brain went a little insane working on this.

Took about three or four days of working on-and-off to finish this. :)

Edit: Wow! Okay, so! A lot of people have mentioned that this comic looks like something Scott McCloud would be all about, and I absolutely freely admit that he was a huge inspiration in creating this comic. So much so that, on a whim, I sent him an email a few days ago with a link to the picture on it. I hardly even expected him to look at it, let alone post it in his blog the very next day! And then the day after that, it gets a Daily Deviation! Wow! Just goes to show, don't be afraid to show your artwork to the one who inspired you! You never know what'll come of it!
Image size
1000x2195px 625.29 KB
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