ShinjuMarkez's avatar


Llama for llama!(◕ωx)
573 Watchers115 Deviations

Commission list prices 2024

Artist // Hobbyist // Varied
  • Mar 8, 1991
  • Mexico
  • Deviant for 15 years
  • She / Her
Ninja Llama: Llamas are awesome! (868)
Silver Fragment: Setting the silver standard of greatness!
Snowball: Someone likes you, and it’s snow joke! (1)
Birthday20: Participated in DA 20th Birthday campaign
Whiskers: Submitted to the April Fools' Day category
My Bio

¡Hola!  Welcome to my dA gallery.

I speak español and English

Favourite Visual Artist
loish, ni-nig, raidesart, dfer32, dmr-elk, katsuvy, brizel,
Favourite Books
Little Women, The sword in the stone, Foundation series, Sherlock Holmes...
Favourite Writers
Sir Arthur C. Doyle, Isaac Asimov, L.M. Alcott, T. H. White
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
XP-pen Artist 24 Pro, CLIP STUDIO PAINT EX
Recién veo que hay opción de "suscripción" (beta) en dA. Qué tristeza. dA, otra vez haces las cosas tarde.
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Profile Comments 1.5K

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¡¡¡Feliz cumpleaños!!!

Hey! Let you know I really like your Code Lyoko art! : )

Thanks for the Llama badge.

Thank you very much! <3 :3

And you're welcome!

Thank you for watching me back.

thanks for the favs ^^

you're welcome! (:

HAPPY BIRTHDAYParty Hard! Star Wars Party Hard Icon We Like To Party! (TF2 Chat Icon) fella Gift (Party) Bill cipher party hardcore Party Hard Maknae Line pinky pie party canon emoticon Party Hard Jack! !

Party Hard! PARTY HARD rainbow party Blower fella (Party) Star Wars Party Hard Icon Dancing Pumkin head 2 Cheers fella white-wine (party) Bill cipher party hardcore Party Hard Maknae Line Homer Simpson Party Hard Gif Icon 1st Emoticon: Happy Birthday Party Hard Noodle Arms Icon Party Party Hard! Star Wars Party Hard Icon Blower fella (Party) fella's Gobbler (Party) fella Gift (Party) Cheers fella white-wine (party) Birthday cake  icon Homer Simpson Party Hard Gif Icon 1st Emoticon: Happy Birthday  Spideypool - Happy Birthday 1 Spideypool - Happy Birthday 2 Birthday cupcake Birthday cake  icon fella's Gobbler (Party) :iconhappybirthdayplz: :iconcakeplz:

I shall drink to your health!

Beer before Liquor; will get you sickerDrunk:iconbudweiserplz::iconwineplz::iconpintplz::iconwhiskeyplz::iconmargaritaplz::iconjackdanielsplz::iconchampagneplz::iconmartiniplz::iconheinekenplz:::iconrumplz::icontequilaplz:Efes Pilsen Bottle Efes Pilsen - Animated 2 Yeni Raki Efes Pilsen Can Emoji| Beer Marmara Gold Kulup Rakisi Istanblue Efes Malt  :vodkala: Tekirdag Rakisi Bazooka Altinbas Raki Tekel Birasi Lokka champagne Glass 1 Jim beam Emote  Glass Of Wine Emoji :winela: Wine Icon mini Wine Bottle Green  :beercontest: Beer Emoji :cheers3: ChibiChelita BeerBacardi Icon big Bacardi Icon Bacardi Icon mid Bacardi Icon mini Bacardi Icon ultraminiEfes Malt Corona Extra Emote BeerMug Cheers :beer: Beer Mug Perv Thrusting Cheers fella white-wine (party) Cheers with Champagne Emoticon  :DrunkBummy:Beer Ching  Drunk Revamp  Avatar for bloodmartini champagne Glass 1 A Drunk Guy   Drunk Revamp :icondrunkplz:

Or non-alcoholic if you prefer that!