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Blacklight Autobot Tattoo



This is AWESOME! Yes, it is a real tattoo and yes it really glows in the blacklight, just as seen. I will upload a normal light picture at a later date (when it's all healed) but I could NOT pass this up!! How ROCKSTAR is THIS??? In case you are wondering the txt says ... in cybertronix (yes that's what it's called and yes I'm a geek for looking it up) Nerd (in normal numbers 2 squared) Life. = nerd for life. Yes, yes I am.

Hope you enjoy.

No I don't own transformers, logo or anything to do with them, just this awesome tattoo.

Here's the non blacklight version...still healing. [link]

EDIT: Here's the healed (a few years later) version. [link]
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604x453px 62 KB
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