Skyscapes Feature (plus brief life update)

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Shiloh-Tovah's avatar
Yay for another photography feature! :la: I absolutely love sky art; it's just so pretty :3 So, for this one I decided to pick out the photos that really just focus on the sky, rather than a landscape with a pretty sky, y'know?

:thumb288973814: Lightning Composite by Anarchtoonist Sky: Dramatic by letTheColorsRumble Lightning by m3tzgore Night Sprite by erezmarom The Hanging Gardens by CapturingTheNight Sun Rays by Adrant sunrise12042012 by stef777 Wavy Sky by perfection-aint-me :thumb295318730: To home_ by Luemy Aurora by Cussypat California Sunset by Krystlyn :thumb294215246: The Planets by PastyGuy Sunset IV... by Erylum Polder sunset 2 by jochniew Suomenlahti3 by LeessaRay Dawn Of The Universe by CapturingTheNight End of Days by Leucareth The Lull by Badoo11 UP THERE 7 by burnybratt Sky on fire by WelshGlue The X5,4 Aurora Corona by SindreAHN La Nina Dawn-4 by jbrum   Burning Sky by Angelo6661 Reflection by ejlia Sunset by mischellej :thumb283958020: Unreachable... by zlati98 :thumb283226542: :thumb282812971: When clouds block sun by Dxs4all Dreamtime by CapturingTheNight Sunset at 45 MPH by Shadow55419

So much color...... :iconilikeitplz: lol. Idk. I just like doing features, it gives me an excuse to look back through all my faves :XD:

Other than all that.....not much new is going on with me lol. Been working mostly, which is going pretty good. I'm about a third of the way through writing the second chapter to my Harry Potter fanfic. There may be a little bit of a wait on this one, but the next few after that should be out pretty quick.

Soooo, yeah. That's that :P And I'm again left wondering why it's always late at night when I write these things xP

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Krystlyn's avatar
Lovely feature :)