Deviation Actions
These paintings take me forever these days and I have so much other shit to do, so I am sorry that finished pieces are scarce ): but here’s another gift for my girlfriend, this time of her main, Vayne, and another of her favourites, Shyvana, in her favourite skins of theirs! I sketched this out last year and didn’t do anything with it until a month or two ago, so when I picked it back up I already lost whatever drive and inspiration and motivation I had when I sketched it. I had a hard time getting into the picture again and I almost wanted to drop it cus I figured it would be painful to continue and it would look like ass anyway, but thankfully in the end I was able to make it acceptable and managed to finish!
Vayne’s supposed to have just cast her ult and I was going to draw some ult particles and her ult halo, but it turned out to be too much of a clusterfuck, so I left it out!Last week to preorder my art book Toccata2!


W AA champ vs shyvana both demacia and sure like lucian last time she was there is years ago xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD