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Assault on Myrial Bay



"What the hell do you mean you don't believe me?! The assault is going to happen TODAY AT DAWN! If the City Guard isn't prepared for-..."
"ENOUGH! Listen here, Necromancer, your actions already bring you close to imprisonment in our city, adding false information and accusations to your list will only ensure your confinement." The Lieutenant's muzzle slowly curves into a grin. "Which I would gladly comply to."
Rage boils in the necromancer as he quickly turns and walks away from the smirking officer, his robe giving a snarky flap in the wind. If the guards are not prepared for the attack, the Tainted Ones will surely sweep through the city in no time. First the diversion from the seas, then in the heart of the city from their underground tunnels.

With quick steps he walks up the stairs to the merchant's square, which is empty at this time of day. He draws his twin-daggers. If nobody believes him, then all he can do is to wait at the location where the Hivemind would emerge, perhaps there is still a chance to thwart the assault? He looks down to the docks, the setting sun painting the sea in a tint of orange, small black dots becoming visible where the sea and sky meet. Clouds slowly gather in the horizon, a sudden chilly wind making his fur stand up on his neck. Or was it the wind?


Man this was a blast to finish. :D Took quite long too, but mostly because i didn't have all that much time to work on. College and work still come first, and since finals are rolling up... i'm glad i could finish this before them.

I'm still alive, cheers to everyone!
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danthestep's avatar
That is so cool, I like to here more of your series