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Shifter-Eternal's avatar

Legends Of Okoto



This here takes the cake for my longest time spent on a piece, clocking in at roughly 43 hours total. The main reason for this was because I wanted to create a pic for a puzzle, but originally no solid ideas. Then I thought of these guys, and I just went at it. And yes, this was all done in SAI, though I had to shuffle some things and actually not do some things I wanted. But regardless, I think it still turned out great!

(When we actually get the thing turned into a puzzle, I'll update this)

TahuKopakaGaliPohatuOnuaLewaAlternate Indivvidual backgrounds

Gallery | Redbubble | Commission Info | Ko-fi
Image size
9500x6500px 35.17 MB
© 2016 - 2024 Shifter-Eternal
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ericgl1996's avatar

Your art looks great, i love it ^-^