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She-Hulk and Araceli



Something that I commissioned from :iconinspector97: for fun.

She-Hulk (My favorite super-heroine from Marvel) finds a bottle and when she uncorks it, out pops Araceli (a genie OC I made, and who showed up in :iconcdrudd:'s webcomic, I Dream of a Jeanie Bottle). Araceli likely thought she was getting a new master, and pops out to greet her new master with a playful kiss on the nose.

She-Hulk, on the other hand, tries to process the fact that she just got greeted by a genie in a way she wasn't expecting.

Wonder what she'll be wishing Araceli to do? :XD:

She-Hulk owned by Marvel.

Araceli owned by :iconshidyk:

Bottle and story of I Dream of a Jeanie Bottle owned by :iconcdrudd:
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johnbecaro's avatar
This is sexy. :thumbsup: