'Swirling Clouds' Brush SetShidobu-Cloud on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/shidobu-cloud/art/Swirling-Clouds-Brush-Set-166498186Shidobu-Cloud

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Shidobu-Cloud's avatar

'Swirling Clouds' Brush Set



Eleven brushes for your using pleasure in photoshop. Created in Photoshop CS3.

"Swirling Clouds" or Tomoe are traditional japanese symbols used in archetecture, clothing, and weapons (such as on the hilt or the endcap of a katana), but is also seen on taiko drums, family crests, and many other things. The tomoe often stands for the balance of life, and also is used as a protective symbol. Its name means turning or circular energy, referring to the motion of the earth. The Tomoe represents the play of forces in the cosmos. Often associated with water and fire, it is placed on buildings to protect from these two forces of nature. The most common is the three swirling tomoe, called the mitsu tomoe, and it resembles heaven, earth, and humanity all balancing each other out.

These are for anyone's use, but please send me a link to anything that you create using my brushes and also give me credit for the use of the brush if you can remember. If you need help figuring out how to download the package, let me know and I'll set you on your way.
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yuroken's avatar

love it any Chance of getting one with six Tomoe's