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Can't believe I did it. I faced some serious problems with my computer, everything's a mess now. Plus all other problems... Universe just doesn't want me to work on this comic. If I accidentally cause the end of the world, I apologize in advance, it may implode. Cause I decided to still finish at least these pages. It's incredibly hard to get back to it after some time if I had to stop again. It's terrible that I had to be interrupted right in a middle of it. It's weird to say but it's the second darkest Sep 11 for me. Of all days...

It'd be humiliating if I had to make you wait even longer, after all. We're in a more dynamic part of the comic, as much cliched as it is, I think you'd still want to know what happens next. So I did my best and even managed by weekend. Sorry if there are any mistakes because of that. Tell me if you find any.

Okay... my usual mumbling of annotations? ^^;

Noble Hunter, the sacrifice of Tom Sawyer. I guess he was impressed by Eri's bravery. He is the "Robin Hood" of the class, a worthy opposition to that troublemaker Rocky. And yep, Rocky's not fat, he's massive (like Big Mac), he's a son of a mine owner. Rod is his older brother who goes to the same school. Duh, it's the only school in Nickel Cape. So Hunter doesn't miss a chance to laugh at Rocky's weight. Eh, kids. They notice any difference and make fun of it, don't ya know. ^__^

Way to go Eri! YOLO =D I mean... The author of the comic does not encourage anyone to break any rules. Please consult with your parents before taking a part in any life-threatening activity. *cough* YOLO *cough* Then again, see what happens to those who break the rules. The Crusaders are facing the consequences. Run, Apple Bloom, run! :rofl:

Will Apple Bloom survive the next 7 pages? Will furious Rarity come for poor Sweetie Belle? Will Hunter defeat Celestia and take the throne as a new king? Will Eri explode after the 3rd fruit shake? All this and much more in the next episode of Disgaea: Queen Etna returns!

It may take me a while though. I'm trying to stay positive but in fact I'm in the deepest elephant butt right now. Hope for your understanding, patience and support. Thanks guys.


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