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TotSCC Watermark 3



I finally got a chance to continue working on this story. I did my best to follow the style and quality of the previous pages. Hope these are not too much different.

So, after this long day ("half a year long" ok, I deserve that) Eri begins the story of her CM. Poor Scootaloo, however, wont hear it. Somepony's been naughty today. So the parallel line about the Crusaders goes on. =3

It's tough to be a girl, more so a unicorn filly, in a school full of boys making a "colt-sillium" all the time. One time you cry and you've got a nickname for years. And you probably had such days when you knew you've just had enough and a single spark may cause a karmic explosion returning all the accumulated tension... hopefully into those responsible. With a splash.

Okay, I don't think Equestrian ponies wear horseshoes all the time, they are probably protected by magic instead. I didn't mean to draw a horseshoe at first but I thought it would be funny and cute. Foals would probably have foalshoes and fillies would have pink ones with cutesy pictures and rhinestones and sequins and whatever little girls can think of. Well, it's a joke so don't expect me to draw horseshoes all the time. ^^;

I'll try to carefully plan my time to not have more huge delays in strip uploads.

"Boys, boys, boys,
What do we want with boys?
One's a bully, one's a brute,
But some may think they're awfully cute"

Gosh, this is catchy. =D

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Hope you enjoy it. Drawing it was tiring but fun. ^__^
Image size
740x7381px 1.51 MB
© 2015 - 2024 sherwoodwhisper
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xAjelandrox's avatar

Violence is not the answer, it is better to charge based on demand.