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Sorry about the delay. It is a crazy time of the year. And the most difficult is to find enough time to actually get back to ponies and to this style. It's funny the part that says "patience, my little ponies" is the one making people wait. It wasn't on purpose, I swear. ^^;

So... yeah, as I said before, it's crazy how a simple wish to give my character a bit of a background has led me to actually struggling for quality, worrying about all the components of a comic, learning about comics (perfect opportunity!)... I know it's not so good, "critics" can dance happily finding tons of flaws on each page. Go ahead, grab your rotten tomatoes. 

Anyway, it's nice to visit Pinkie for a bit of cheer after a long and stressful day. And hear once again "how Equestria was made" =D

Will Twilight find out who's the culprit?! Has Ditsy already recovered to deliver her mail?! Will Crusaders hear more boring stories from the adult ponies?! Find out in the next strip-set... or not, this artist is too lazy to draw fast. :rofl:

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740x5276px 1.41 MB
© 2015 - 2024 sherwoodwhisper
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xAjelandrox's avatar

Fluttershy isn't going to be happy to find out that Twilight was training bats to reassemble potato batteries. Usually you'd use nails, but springs are easier for bats to use with their claws. Too bad, since they couldn't measure their brain activity with magic, Twilight had to connect diodes to their heads. A power outage was all it took for the machines to stop recording readings at the most important moment.