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sherwoodwhisper's avatar

TotSCC Reflection 4



Mmmmmhh... Can't believe it took so long. And the quality drops a bit. But at least it's done. Sorry. Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry!

"It takes a lot of mana..."

Well, a bit of humor, a bit of spoilers for the next events and much mystery to keep you biting your nails. I hope. Enjoy your 20 seconds of fast scrolling through the half-a-year work. Ok-ok, it was only 3 weeks. But intense!!!

Ow... my neck... I need a doctor :sigh: 

Watermark 1
Weak and Small 1
Reflection 1
Reflection 2
Reflection 3
Reflection 4
Reflection 5
Reflection 6
Reflection 7
Reflection 8
Reflection 9
Reflection 10
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737x9521px 4.8 MB
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OldTeaOwl's avatar
Each time I read this, I feel goose bumps;
Mystical, and attractive ⊙︿⊙