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TotSCC Reflection 3



About time for the next set of pages of my comic. I update when the children born during the previous upload grow up to go to school. But I don't like to rush like that. Ok, seriously, I'm sorry. Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry!

Well, it's just that once uploaded the art stays like that. I can't polish it over the years, I can only bite my elbows in anguish. So I try to not work on the final version when I'm not entirely ready. And even so I'm not satisfied with the result. Of course it's easier for tablet users, they can just fill any area with any tone. Dark tones (that will be seen more and more often in the comic) take humongous concentration and can easily be ruined. It's honestly the most tedious part of comic drawing for me. Pure lineart would take 2-5 times less time and effort.

But! I'm stubborn and I want at least some of the panels to look really well. So I hope you enjoy them.

Oh, and if you do, feel free to support me on Patreon . It really helps. When I don't need to freelance I can focus more on art and approach it well rested. A happy artist is a good... no, wait, it's a hungry artist is a good artist. (I didn't say that =D)

Ahem. So, Eri is off on her quest. Thrills and adventure! Maybe she meets Daring Doo? Or maybe the colt knows something about the Beasts? (his name is Swift Hock, by the way ^^; ) Will Eri be able to defeat the dragon that guards the magic wand? Will Equestria survive a week without onion cupcakes?! Stay tuned and find out!

Watermark 1
Weak and Small 1
Reflection 1
Reflection 2
Reflection 3
Reflection 4
Reflection 5
Reflection 6
Reflection 7
Reflection 8
Reflection 9
Reflection 10

Image size
737x8444px 4.49 MB
© 2017 - 2024 sherwoodwhisper
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aramadon's avatar
Wow, SO MUCH WORK went into this.  I am amazed.