Ponies react to separation: Twilightsherwoodwhisper on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/sherwoodwhisper/art/Ponies-react-to-separation-Twilight-840559598sherwoodwhisper

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sherwoodwhisper's avatar

Ponies react to separation: Twilight



I think that's enough time for boycott and I can upload again. And first of all I should say May the 4th be with you. =3

Aaanyway, library isolation here. I still have no idea how does library get destroyed, I still take it as a spoiler and I still have no wish to find out. Sorry, guys, I will forever live in S1. =D No wings, no humanization, no princess Twilight. I think it should happen but not so rushed and forced. I have nothing against the story progression itself. But I personally can't take it well the way it's done. So you will likely forever come to this gallery as a travel to the past. Eh, no regrets. ^^;

Even when the official lockdown ends, it will still be wise to try and stay away from everyone else for a long time. The odds are against us, at least until some sort of cure is found.

And I'm still shocked of how much my drawing skills fell. It's terrible to see myself losing what I got at such a high cost. Challenges gone to waste. Years reversed. Well... there is a wise philosophy in only worrying about the present. Can't change the past. Can't even change present, can only apply efforts today and hope for a better tomorrow. Just keep swimming, just keep swimming...

Don't ask me who goes next Wink/Razz

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ninjasharkV's avatar

Why do I have a sneaking suspicion that there is no cure to the discord pox pandemic.