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Groundhog Day?



Um... I'll stop refreshing "Time Flies" now. We made a full circle and came back to exactly where it started. First few months of the year fly by too fast for me. I'm literally feeling like falling down from a very tall building counting days-floors. Many years ahead but at that speed it's like... poof. And then splash. Well... maybe bounce? Dunno, no one came back to tell. :shrug:

Anyway. I'll try to wake Eri up and do something already. :nod:

I had something planned for a long time now. Ugh... "Long time" sounds like a mockery. T_T

I swear, if I put an apple seed under my pillow when I go to bed, I'll wake up in an apple forest with no escape in sight. God!.. Just... ARGH! Rage 
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KieDough's avatar
and here I am almost a year later wishing it was spring time ^^;

Super cute BTW!