Hi-Res TESSERACT -Stock-Sheridan-J on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/sheridan-j/art/Hi-Res-TESSERACT-Stock-312468716Sheridan-J

Deviation Actions

Sheridan-J's avatar

Hi-Res TESSERACT -Stock-




This is a Marvel/Avengers style Tesseract/Cosmic Cube/Glowy Square Thing I whipped up in Photoshop with the intention of making a new Tutorial on how to create your very own...so please stay tuned for that!

Total time: 10 minutes.

In the meantime, feel free to use this Tesseract however you please :)
Credit is always appreciated, and let me know where you used the little dude! I'd love to see :aww:

Hi-Res PNG here: [link]

Pro-Tip: When you apply this to your image (in Photoshop) set the Layer blending mode to "Screen" for the best result!

I used the same techniques to make my Tesseracts in the following deviations:

(Except this one turned out better- I had more time to work on it and think about it haha.)

For more updates, tips and links;
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Image size
1500x1354px 1.37 MB
© 2012 - 2025 Sheridan-J
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L-adyC-row's avatar

Hello, thank you for the great cube! I used it here -

Where is Loki?