Elf Ranger with Barkskinsheppardarts on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/sheppardarts/art/Elf-Ranger-with-Barkskin-475089211sheppardarts

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Elf Ranger with Barkskin



Illustration for the upcoming D&D 5th Edition Player's Handbook: An Elf Ranger protected by the spell Barkskin (in the spells section).
©2014 Wizards of the Coast

This illustration was very rewarding- I can say that about the majority of my work, but this one was served up with a side of redemption. Back in early 2010 I did my first three jobs for Dungeons & Dragons (a character and two scenes for Dragon Magazine), and they didn't go so well.

Actually, that's an understatement. They were awful. I can't say whether or not the art directors hated the results or *really* hated the results; I was dealing with the aftermath of a death in the family and behemoth project at my day job, and it aversely affected the work at the time. Excuses, excuses. Needless to say, I didn't get invited back to do more D&D art until this piece four years later. I feel like I did MUCH better justice to the brand this go-round, and as a player of D&D too, I can't wait to pick up my copy of the new Player's Handbook. :)
Image size
682x960px 423.77 KB
© 2014 - 2025 sheppardarts
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bakootie's avatar
  I know little or nothing about 'game' art but as a 'stand-alone' piece, I find this and others from your gallery to be fascinating fantasy art, and you as an artist worth following. In turn, please come and visit me.