Affirming The BondSheather888 on DeviantArt

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Affirming The Bond


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Two Auroran Skystriders from formerly opposing tribes bring peace to their lands in marriage - a lifelong bond today affirmed, and celebrated, with song, dance, and colorful displays of body paint, feathers, flowers and ribbons. Though tomorrow will bring a return of the hunger pains that will initiate another long hunt for prey on the savannah, tonight both tribes take a reprieve from their labors and will rejoice throughout the night, as enemies become partners, and the world becomes that much safer a place.

Though the Skystrider is, of course, a hermaphroditic race, they are nonetheless a species with frequently repeated tendency towards lasting and powerful monogamous partnerships.
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2539x1448px 1.02 MB
© 2015 - 2025 Sheather888
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Whachamacallit1's avatar
Oooo, it's really pretty! I always loved the Skystriders, and I got to say that I love this new rendition of them!