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Shazzbaa's avatar

Well This Sucks



I just figured out a new shading method! I'm particularly excited about it, since it involves doing the shading with Adobe Illustrator. (I :heart: the pen tool) So excited, in fact, that I thought I'd post it up here for you guys to see. :D

It's also got a bit more from that thing-that-may-become-a-webcomic. Maybe. Eventually. Perhaps. :paranoid:

Those of you who watch me may recognise Tareth from my gallery. Her best friend is the dark-skinned fellow with octopuses for hands, Severian, who specialises in shapechanging magic.... and, well, every once in a while spells just go wrong. ^^;

His latest mistake has left him less-than-happy with his new appendages, especially considering he casts his spells through rune-writing.

Poor guy.


EDIT: Why does DA keep trying to put this in "Anthro?" Are moderators moving it, or is the category thing messing up? Why does having tentacle-hands count any sort of anthropomorphic animal? :O_o: Bah. If it won't stay where I put it (fantasy > original characters > digital) then I'll just leave it there, I guess.
Image size
467x607px 151.99 KB
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Birdee-Blake's avatar
 Oooh my gosh. Buried gallery treasure!