Doctor Who: Fade Away Page 3ShawnVanBriesen on DeviantArt

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Doctor Who: Fade Away Page 3



This is page 3 of Doctor Who: Fade Away by my talented pal Paul Hanley :iconpaulhanley: (story, colors, and lettering) and myself (pencils and inks). It is our (very fond) farewell to Nicholas Courtney.

Paul is heading out of the country for a few weeks and we'll pick this up when he returns. Personally, I know Page 4 will take me some time.

Paul's commentary: Okay, we managed to squeak one last page out before I jet outta here. The six remaing pages will be coming probably several weeks from now. Stay tuned.

Incidentally, "Geneva" was an early title I turned around in my head for this story. I even considered having it set there (or doing something similar with Peru- where we'd learn just what the heck was going on there). But then I got the idea of it being the old rural UNIT HQ's local pub, w/ all the old gang's photos on the wall, and it had to go that way (you'll see why by the end of the story).

Fade Away: Page 1

Fade Away: Page 2

Fade Away: Page 4

Fade Away: Page 5

Fade Away: Page 6

Fade Away: Page 7

Fade Away: Page 8

Fade Away: Page 9

If you are feeling particularly generous please donate in Nicholas Courtney's name. Just go ahead and C L I C K H E R E to donate. If you can't donate personally -just pass on the link.

UPDATE: Doctor Who: Fade Away is in print now Click Here to Order!

Sarah Jane Smith: Final Report [link]
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© 2011 - 2025 ShawnVanBriesen
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julian0123's avatar
Awww, he does care about the Doctor :3