Stories From The Fieldshawkash on DeviantArt

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Stories From The Field



It is done for a contest, please read the description. Please read the description.

It has been voted, but didn't win this time.

Until now the communications material for Stories from the Field has contained variations of the MCA-I NY logo with the United Nations logo and the title. The organization is looking for a logo that represents the festival, rather than the organizations that present it.

To collect international and easy to understand symbols * iconographies, and choose some of them that can mix to create a new symbol.

The symbol should communicate on a universal and global basis, to those who are interested in films.

It considers that those who have a busy day and whose lives are crowded with the many logos of our visual culture, should feel it clean and simple, and have the capacity to same them time ( easy to be recognized, easy to be read. )

The sign:
It mixes 3 symbols:
. A sign on videotape recorders and other tape recorders. It means play and indicates the control button for playing a movie.

. The square in a horizontal-vertical position is an expression of the two dimensions that constitute a surface. Basically it means field.

. The iconography of the stick man, that is the simplest form of artistic drawing for human that most people in globe can draw, children, or adults.

This sign is created to symbolize our need to communicate using the movie channel with our humanistic part.

The Typography:
2 layouts for the logo and text, one for vertical use, and the other for horizontal and equal uses.

The typesetting is Frutiger, which works fine on screens, and print.

The sign is easy to remember, easy to be recognized.
The sign has been cut equally in horizontal and vertical to show how it could be recongizeable after first time one sees it.

Grey: Is an even color, works fine with white background. Normally grey, black and white based iconographies are the best to communicate in showing the melancholy aspect of these subjects.

Orange: A warm color to add an awareness factor to the logo, which is why there is a festival in first place.

About the festival
“Stories from the Field: The United Nations Documentary Film Festival” first took place in 2005 to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of the United Nations and support the Millennium Development Goals. Media Communications Association International (MCA-I) is a global community of professionals dedicated to the business and art of visual communication. Founded in 1968 as the International Television Association (ITVA), and renamed the Media Communications Association International in 2001, today's organization now serves a diverse membership of producers, directors, writers, camera operators, technicians, industrial performers, journalists, publicists, graphic artists, programmers, and media executives.

In 2004 MCA-I joined with the United Nations Department of Public Information to create a film festival to showcase documentaries made by various UN or UN-affiliated agencies. For a film to qualify it had to reflect one or more of the points contained in the ongoing theme of the Stories Festival: the Millennium Development Goals.

In 2005, 80 films were submitted and selected films were screened at The New School’s Tishman Auditorium in New York. In 2006, the festival was opened up to the public. Awards are given to Best UN Feature (15 min. and longer), Best UN Short (under 15 min.), Best UN PSA, Best Public Film (60 min. and under), and an Audience Choice Award for Best (UN or Public) Film. This year the program expanded to include panel discussions and workshops, and in 2008, the festival plans to add a special category for young documentary makers.

The Millennium Development Goals

By 2015 all 189 United Nations Member States have pledged to:

1 Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger

2 Achieve universal primary education

3 Promote gender equality and empower women

4 Reduce child mortality

5 Improve maternal health

6 Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases

7 Ensure environmental sustainability

8 Develop a global partnership for development
Image size
896x512px 39.56 KB
© 2008 - 2025 shawkash
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anilbujji's avatar
Very nice work