Egyptian iconographiesshawkash on DeviantArt

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shawkash's avatar

Egyptian iconographies



Just for fun.

inspired by an art piece made by *1NNU3NDO

Credits exhibition:
Melgi picture, and the source of drawing Adel Adham, Soaad Hosni etc, Al Khatib are all owned by me.

Most vectors are made by me except: that small horses coat of arms, it is made by ~YSR1 he didn't ask for credits though.

The lady on bottom left, is from a stock account in DA, it's condition didn't require to give any credit. However I wish to give it, but since this particular work is done since about a year, I forgot the URL, if you know her let me know, however -again- I am sure she had no conditions to credit her back.

The rest of photos are from
Image size
1000x1563px 1.38 MB
© 2008 - 2025 shawkash
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Miro-Des's avatar
Great Work Keep It Up