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shawkash's avatar

Anti Global Warming Campaign 2



This is a concept done for a campaign for some contest, please read the description.

Target Audience:
industrial countries. / to show in a contest.

global climate change may be responsible for declining penguin populations on South Africa's Prince Edward Islands.

Information Architect Brief:
Pollution is reaching creations: birds, animals, fishes, and insects. There is an open question about how the viewer is the reason of that. The visual language defines specific category of the pollution which is global warming.

Experience Solution:
The memory should collect the following information:
Fact: Global warming, as part of the pollution is reaching unspecific, not small, part of life.
User who learn about these facts for first time.
The viewer should ask if he is really a reason from that?
The viewer should ask how big is the damage caused by global warming?
Cultured user:
The viewer should as if he is really a reason from that?

These questions should be triggered in the viewer mind within 1 minute from watching the visuals, and to be held in his memory to help him taking a research decision while he is having spare time for reading in a library or to surf on search engine.

Logo Type Brief/Summery:
The logotype consists of a shield iconography, and a sign associated with energy and power, which are dangerous. It is also a sign of heat.
The shield iconography made to draw the style of coat of arms, the shield is the same one that used for the coat of arms of Greenland, but I have replaced the bear with the other sign I have mentioned.

According to fact that not all industrial designers are good in English, the slogan has been written in with basic words, that could be understood with armature English speaker. Also is easy to translate from a language to another. On other hand, the visuals are telling the whole story in brief.

This concept designed to be used in outdoors, journals, magazines, and special web banners.
Image size
1000x707px 112.28 KB
© 2007 - 2024 shawkash
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Ayame-Kenoshi's avatar
Wow, I really love this piece! A very well done poster. :) You should consider submitting this to the #CoolClimate Art Contest! :D