Toxic Exclamation- StallionShauntinasha on DeviantArt

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Toxic Exclamation- Stallion



GAWD. Hes a fucking sexy best, huh. o3o
I got the Sharpie idea courtesy of the all-fucking-amazing ~the-sequel. Go check her out. Shes friggin GODLY.

Name: Toxic Exclamation

NickName: Tick, Toxic, X

Age: Unknown

Breed: Toxic x -Atypical-le ville cheval [(c) ~the-sequel c:] x Otherworldly

Sex: Male

Story: As a colt, toxic was a small silver dapple (black horse with white hair). He had no herd, and his dam and sire abandoned him at birth. He was all alone in the cold hard world, right outside of a radioctive sewage plant near a huge, buzzing city. Curiousity overcame the best of him, and he snuck inside the plant. He wandered around the plant warily and quietly until a worker yelled at him to "SCRAM!!". Turning around quickly, he began to race away, only to barrel into a small vat of radioactive waste. Screeching in horror as his flank burned with the acid, he turned around again, only to come face to face with the worker, who he jumped over with unnatural skill. Toxic ran faster away, tears filling his eyes. His fur began to shed rapidly, revealing a partial white coat underneath. He whinnied in horror, fleeing from the workers of the plant. His lovely little white tail was now a long thin rat-like tail; tufted at the end. He ran faster and faster, slipping every once and a while on spilt waste, and eventually came to a barbed wire- electric fence. He didn't have time to think before skidding into the fence. The workers were still chasing him, shouting angrily. Toxic was shocked with seventy five bolts of electricty. He screamed louder and backed up, turning a corner. At the corner was another fence, but this one shorter and rusted down. He turned around and ran straight at the workers. They slowed as he ran full speed and flipped around right at the large group. They waved their shovels in anger at the little foal. He bolted yet again at the rusted fence and jumped, five feet, over the electric fence, scraping his stomach. The acid continued to burn all around his once lovely coat. On the other side of the fence he landed, he ran faster and faster, heart beating slower and slower. His vision grew dark and he tripped over his back legs as Toxic tumbled down a rocky hill. As he fell down to the bottom, he stopped crying and stopped feeling. Toxic landed in a small polluted stream, and fell into a deep slumber.
Days later, Sunset Rooftops was called and they came quickly to the scene, rescuing the unconcious foal. His coat and skin were twisted in many directions, and the acid had burned into his skin, leaving a neon green color. The color glowed brightly off of his fur.
After many months, he had almost fully recovered, though Toxic's tail was still changed. His back legs had the black fur still, and many people say it looks like a city. He thinks it as a reminder that the city is no place for a creature like him. It reminds him that llife shouldnt be taken for granted.

(sorry that was so long, xD)

Other: His other side is almost exactly identical to this one. :P His green markings glow in the dark.

Breeding: OPEN but Im very choosy about who with. c:
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LeonaGheringer's avatar
I still love running into this when I go through my favorites~