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Edit:3/2/2017: THE ORIGINAL ARTIST / GRAPH IS FOUND!! Check it out here:… Please leave them a note of thanks!

Edit 4/7/2015: Updated the image to make it hopefully slightly easier to understand. Still lots of info crammed into it but oh well...

Apologies for how messy this is.. I know this is uploaded at night but i scribbled it in the morning.. really early in the morning >_>

I'm trying to find the original graph for this, it was from a personal art blog of someone doing portraits and other traditional art. Their graph was cleaner (well it was like pixel/ms paint?) And every since I saw it i've kept it in mind. Now when I want to EXPLAIN it to other people without the graph it self it's just confusing so i made my own till i can find the other one. 

If you know what i'm talking about please let me know so i can credit them! 
Check latest edit!

Translated to Portuguese here:…
Translated to French here: by Nooknook 
Image size
715x943px 131.02 KB
© 2012 - 2024 Shattered-Earth
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I am in the "I am preparing to throw this into a shredder and light the shreds on fire" phase.