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Thomas Jefferson Vs Gorilla



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Thomas Jefferson was never much of a warrior history tells us, but yet again history is wrong. This is an image of one of the many attempts by Jefferson to battle all the manliest animals on earth while trying to teach them the ways of America.


Epic Meal time.
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weezer919's avatar


These Divided States of Amerikkka are nothing more than a Minimum Wage slave nation systematically constructed on a cracked foundation defined by straight up discrimination straight off the plantation comprised of Institutional Slavery disguised as mass-incarceration ... «We the Sheeple» truly are «The Great Satan» yes «We the Sheeple» are simpleminded people with Great Expectations from inequitable access to Healthcare and Higher-Education ... «We the Sheeple» inhabit but choose not to occupy this Minimum Wage slave plantation controlled by billionaire overlords and multibillion-dollar corporations ... This is the Truth ... Do you want fries with that???
