SharpWriter on DeviantArt

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Daily Deviation

June 11, 2014
Suggester said: "This deviation has brilliant lighting and detailing. Ronald Reagan looks undeniably real, it is humourus, and overall it is just a superb digital piece."

Ronald Reagan The Liberator by SharpWriter
Featured by tinybreeann
Suggested by fallingpandas
SharpWriter's avatar

Ronald Reagan The Liberator


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Ronald Reagan the man, the myth, the legend. Driving the most the definition of American Muscle how can you get more Liberty into a painting, not much else to say about this.

Download the 1900x1200 wallpaper with the download button on side

Feel Free to share this work of liberty with everyone you know.

Buy an 11x17" print here---->…?
Buy a 24x36" poster here--->…?


Lots of time
Lots of ice tea
Image size
1900x1200px 2.13 MB
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weezer919's avatar

These Divided States of Amerikkka are nothing more than a Minimum Wage slave nation systematically constructed on a cracked foundation comprised of inequitable access to Healthcare and Higher-Education ... We the Sheeple inhabit but choose not to occupy this Minimum Wage slave plantation controlled by billionaire overlords and multibillion-dollar corporations ... This is the Truth ... Do you want fries with that???
