George Washington ZombieHunterSharpWriter on DeviantArt

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Daily Deviation

April 22, 2011
SharpWriter's Presidents series reaches an epic climax with George Washington ZombieHunter. Never before has a founding father kicked so much ass. Note the sweet tattoos and patriotic pants. An amazing glimpse of history (as it should have been).
Featured by godofodd
SharpWriter's avatar

George Washington ZombieHunter



George Washington was known for many things...Being a great general, Having wooden dentures (Okay they weren't really wooden, Cutting down the cherry tree, and being nicknamed the Destroyer of Villages. But what many don't know is he was an avid Zombie Hunter, this is a picture of one of his many adventures out into the night to give some Liberty and Justice to all.

Buy a High quality Print of this here==> [link]

Be sure to check out the other President prints while they last:




I promised everyone I would do something more epic then the last, hopefully this works for you guys.

Pizza and Nachos
Trailer Park Boys
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1920x1275px 3.27 MB
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Kaylasircaki's avatar

Hello everyone there’s a offer going if you have nice art pictures pls get back to me you’ll getting paid for the offer??