Sharpener's avatar


its all black and white
221 Deviations

Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Professional // Artisan Crafts
  • Oct 1, 1988
  • Sweden
  • Deviant for 17 years
  • He / Him
Delicious Cake: My, that's a delicious cake (1)
Quartz: It's a big honor to be awarded a Quartz badge! (1)
Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (384)
My Bio

24year old larper from sweden, nuff SAID
Current Residence: Farsta, Sweden
Favourite genre of music: Soundtracks (gotta say, they put the most of it in the tunes)
Favourite style of art: Black & White ink
Operating System: Red bulls and X-rays
MP3 player of choice: samsung galaxy
Skin of choice: Black leather armor
Favourite cartoon character: greased up def guy
Personal Quote: för hans pappa e brandman!

Favourite Movies
LotR123, Transformers123, kickass
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Groove addicts, NiN, A perfect circle, TOOL
Favourite Games
Gears Of War, CoD, TES4 - Oblivion ALLWAYS ON THE Xbox!
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Knives and cutters
Other Interests
Larp, airsoft, drumming, painting etc
Hello everybody, and thank you for supporting the TERA-phenomenon! As our first large action-event is taking place in early october, and since both forum and facebook-pages has been created some time ago, people have been taking great interest in this phenomenon and we continue to grow!But in order to reach the international stage as soon as possible, we need your help!  Please, if you have a moment to spare, visit our (for the time being..) Swedish facebook-page and Like our organization, and we will soon be able to offer people the chance to both join and create their own games within the TERA-world and LARP/Airsoft within it!If You are ...
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So I was in my first real car crash recently! Smacked into another fellow on the interstate when the driver two cars ahead stomped the brakes when he changed his mind about with direction he was going. I made it out relatively good considering the car got kind of pancaked, so no worries as I am all but fine now!=) Sorry to any and all commissioners who has suffered from this inconveniance!
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Girls girls...

0 min read
Ok, serously!Girls! LOSE THE DUCKFACE ROUTINE!  Most girls are great looking. And some are not so great looking, ok, but NO ONE is BETTER looking doing the muther funking duckface! Most girls nowadays seems to be doing it, and let me tell you, there are few guys out there who enjoy watching pictures of girls who look like they're biting down on bathing-rings whilest trying to look hot holding the camera 50feet above their heads.   Sorry=(   Now this is no major issue, but I've talked to alot of girls about this, and as most are to embarassed to even admit they are doing anything out of the ordinary on the pictures (....), some come clean a...
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Profile Comments 1.6K

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for those looking for his work -> sharpener988 on instragram

Happy Birthday mate! ^^
i hope that your enjoying your day today!
Anyone got any contacts of this man? A link to the shop or Etsy? Something? :(
Seems like his last activity on deviant art was 2014. Probably very hard to contact him nowadays...
I tried to send him a note here but without much success so far. :(

sharpener988 on instragram

Man your costumes are Epic