
2 min read

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sharkdiver131's avatar
I haven't been on this site in ages but I figured I might as well update this ole thing for past time's sake (though will anyone read it?? question of the year!!) I haven't drawn much since I have been so busy. I learned Hindi to as high of a proficiency as I realistically could until I got worn out by people always preferring to speak in English (though I can kinda see why, in retrospect, since Hindi has a pretty limited vocabulary compared to other languages) and I started learning Chinese and I am madly IN LOVE. I changed my major to a more rigorous one and my life is finally going somewhere. This summer I am at my university and I have two jobs in environmental engineering labs working with wastewater treatment microbiology and environmental biotechnology (microbial fuel cells). In the latter I am the only American in what is literally a Chinese-speaking workplace so that is nothing to complain about either!! Life is filled with excitement!!! Also a lot of cringing, having re-read a couple of my old journals. Oh, dear. I am not sure why I am even bothering to update this, just having a reminiscent moment I think...! 
I hope you all are enjoying your existence as well!!!!!

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 Really wonderful. I'm very glad for you. I hope you return to drawing some day and have another Happy Birthday! :)