sharkdiver131's avatar


Selectively lazy.
255 Watchers80 Deviations
  • Mar 10, 1995
  • United States
  • Deviant for 14 years
  • She / Her
Half-Moon Cake: Half-Werewolves love it (3)
Fancy Llama: Llamas are awesome! (2327)
My Bio
Julie took this picture on New Year's Eve [Dec 31 2011] right before we went to Great Falls. My Creative Writing Class requires a self-portrait, drawn or photographed, for the final project, and we had a photo-shoot for that and I stole this picture for the dA ID. I am fake-working on the dinosaur picture here. Ickkk it looks like I am wearing crappy eye makeup... I don't wear makeup, I am too lazy. Au naturel, dahlings!

Also that blobby thing in the background, yeah, that is mah fishy. I am in front of the 90g. I have a 30g on the other floor with even MORE FISHIES.

Now, for some things about me that no one cares about...

:bulletred: I like maggots, if it wasn't immediately evident by my icon. They fascinate me. The only animals I like more than them are sharks.

:bulletorange: I love gory movies and violent things, though I never kill bugs and I'm a vegan. [That's right, one of the obnoxious beasts who read the nutrition label of everything and are super picky. I won't get preachy on you unless you diss my health-snob things or make one of those 'EHMAGAWSH THOOO PRO ANIMAL RIGHTS' -eating meat at the time- comments]. Anyway, step on an insect when I'm around and I will smack you, and I do NOT want to hear anyone telling me why I should go back to eating meat. I am what I am, live with it.

:bulletyellow: I have a secret love for bagpipe music [if it's played WELL, anyway].

:bulletgreen: I like Star Trek even though I hardly ever get time to watch it. Maddie and I went to the 2012 Comic Con and got star trek pins. I have the Kirk one and I put it on a necklace chain and I wear it every day as a statement of my freakin NERDINESS as if the history books I drag around everywhere are not indicative enough.

Gawsh dayum I am ready for college already. 9 1/2 more months!

:bulletblue: I hate dolphins, they piss me off.

:bulletpurple: I bike to school school because I am a badass and all that biking up hills works the buns. But I do have my license.

:bulletpink: I'm really cynical and unemotional, and a lot of people translate my apathetic tone as 'attitude'.

:bulletred: I'm a pack rat. This problem has persisted since elementary school, when my cubby was absolutely OVERFLOWING with stuff that I found on the floor and stowed away. The habit has never left me, and one of these days you are going to find me on that hoarders TV show... but for now, I will just save my old things and keep picking up new things. (:<

:bulletorange: The word feeling and any words derived from it irritate the living shit out of me for no explainable reason.

:bulletyellow: I wear a watch at almost all times. I can't STAND not knowing what time it is.

:bulletgreen: Brand name stores are annoying - Abercrombie, Aeropostale, Hollister, etc. Go away.

:bulletblue: As my dA name implies, I love scuba diving, and I have been to Key Largo three times and Curacao once. Plus countless trips to Dutch Springs, though mostly for training / freezing to death / chillin' with the bass

:bulletpurple: I am an atheist. As with veganism, I do not attack others unless they start throwing crap first.

:bulletpink: I LOVE CHESS!!!

:bulletred: Nonfiction history books are THE SHIT YO. Especially modern history. ESPECIALLY modern United States' foreign policy. I like China, modern Latin America, and the British Raj as well.

:bulletorange: I'm a bit of an environmental nut at times. ....well, okay, let's be serious here, pretty much all of the time.

:bulletyellow: I abhor team-building activities. These include [but are not limited to] the Human Knot, the Trust Fall, and that vile thing where everyone stands on a tarp and the goal is to flip it over with everyone still on it and never touch the floor. So basically everyone just stands around and yells at each other and nothing gets done and it's a massive waste of time. Just give me a moment here... THE RAGE.

:bulletgreen: And in case you're wondering about the webcam - that would so be me.

Favourite Visual Artist
Salvador Dali
Favourite Books
I mostly read n-f history books, I like pretty much everything to some extent but definitely modern U.S. foreign policy is the focus
Favourite Writers
For fiction, Stephen King, but I don't read fiction much; nonfiction, William Manchester... LOVE. <3
Favourite Games


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no problem, glad I could return briefly to make something..haha. I will hopefully be back more after I finish undergrad, would hate to leave art as a thing of a past. :(
thanks ! :) glad I had a rare moment to draw something, finally.
Yes I do remember you! Back in those days I was pretty set on the history field since I thought I couldn't deal with chemistry. lol. Always did have a thing for environmental fields though, I am glad I finally made it work out. How are you doing these days??
Quite a long time... several weeks I think... something like that... sorry to reply so slow, I have been quite inactive lately haha. But glad you like it (:
Art Trade!