Pavlov's Dreamsharihes on DeviantArt

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sharihes's avatar

Pavlov's Dream



This is a promo CG I did for my comic ';Pavlov's Dream' (co-written with :iconparamnesia:) which is currently up at Zuda comics against 9 other comics for this month competition.

Pavlov’s Dream is about brothers, Micha and Sasha, who accidentally tumble into the land of the death. Not only they have to find a way back to the land of living, they also have to fix the mess that their brief adventure in the land of the death brings.

You can read 8 pages of it here ---> [link]

Please vote for it (or fav, or comment) if you like it! I'll be forever grateful!
Image size
841x590px 244.15 KB
© 2010 - 2025 sharihes
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yun-min's avatar
This is really cute! I love all the random ghosts flying about!