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Shanen888's avatar

I wish you weren't straight.



Always lonely to have a crush on a straight girl. I should get over that.
EDIT: I added the other arm, does it look better now?
It's supposed to be someone holding a paper valentine behind their back. can you actually tell that?
I think the picture is kind of akward still. Should you be able to see the shirt on the other side of the arm? And can you tell that the red piece of paper is supposed to be a valentine? I almost put writing on it, but then didn't like how it looked.
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879x679px 35.82 KB
© 2011 - 2024 Shanen888
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FatalCosplays's avatar
:star::star::star::star::star: Overall
:star::star::star::star::star: Vision
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This is a truly amazing work of art. The arm band really is a nice addition, SHOWING that the drawn person is in fact gay thus reflecting the title. The way the hands are together really brings out the sort of awkwardness, something that I at one point at the displeasure of knowing, that really also brings out the pain of how it feels to be in love with someone who couldn't possibly love you. The valentine was also a really nice addition though I wasn't sure what it was until actually reading the description. (I'm sure it doesn't help that I didn't look at the submission date and it was posted a day before Valentine's Day)