ShamusBaran's avatar


Space Bear Boobie Hunter
530 Deviations

Boob Note -- Heather Path -- Part 1-1 by ShamusBaran, literature

Boob Note -- H Path -- Part 1-2 by ShamusBaran, literature

Boob Note -- H Path -- Part 1-3 by ShamusBaran, literature

Boob Note -- H-Path -- Part 2-1 by ShamusBaran, literature

Boob Note -- H Path -- Part 2-2 by ShamusBaran, literature

Boob Note -- H Path -- Part 2-3 by ShamusBaran, literature

Boob Note -- H Path -- 2-4 by ShamusBaran, literature

Boob Note -- H Path -- 2-5 by ShamusBaran, literature

Boob Note -- H Path -- 3-1 by ShamusBaran, literature

Boob Note -- H Path -- 3-2 by ShamusBaran, literature

Artist // Professional // Literature
Quartz: It's a big honor to be awarded a Quartz badge! (1)
Gold Coin 2023: Someone thinks you're golden! (1)
Bleeding Love: Someone shared their passion! (1)
Platinum Fragment: The platinum pinnacle of fragment achievement!
I've seen it: It's Coming -- Stay Tuned!
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (136)Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (136)
My Bio

I'm a professional writer with an (completely normal!) obsession with breasts getting bigger. I've been writing Boob Note and Expansion fiction for over a decade now.  My time I can devote to it is directly related to my Patreon...

Things have been pretty quiet on the DA front, but it's mostly because I tend to be self-critical.   Not in a lack of confidence, but because it's hard to read what people want and when.  So, honestly, the number one way I can motivate myself to write faster?   Toss me some feedback!  Comment on a story, like a comic, letting me know what you like and why is no greater motivator.

That said, please consider making a small monthly pledge if Boob Note (and my other works) staves off your boredom and it allows you to have a clearer influence on what I make and why.

Donating also gets you insight on my work. I have a 'Space Bear Lair' where Patreon donors (even those that donate as little as a dollar) can stop by and say hi.

Favourite Visual Artist
Favourite Movies
Under siege (just because I like 'fat' Segal and the 'cake scene'.), Speed Racer (seriously)
Favourite TV Shows
The Flash, Daredevil, Cutthroat Kitchen
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Ambient noise ftw.
Favourite Books
All you need is kill, 11/22/63
Favourite Writers
GRRM, Robert Jordan
Favourite Games
Daganronpa, Phoenix Wright, Overwatch
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Desktop PC, Chrome book, Galaxy 6 Edge Plus
Other Interests
Inflating breasts. (Who knew?) -- Gonna be making weekly update posts here.
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So, today 14 of my deviations were removed. It was a 14 part story based on Eiken. I'm mostly just posting this for transparency, as they were removed because it was perceived that they were depicting sexual acts with a character under 18. I filed disputes not because I want the story to stay on DeviantArt but because I was very careful to not involve any characters under 18 by only referring back to the legacy of the show. To that degree I was pretty proud of how I handled it. To be clear, I was pretty hesitant to make the story in the first place and honestly I'm surprised that it stayed up as long as it did. I'm not much for fan works (though I do tribute stuff here and there as told by Boob Note) and this was bordering on outright fanfiction. I'm just being clear that even if the dispute is reversed I'm planning on removing the stories within a week so if they pop back up and they mean anything to you, you probably should make a copy of them. Thanks for understanding and
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As I mentioned in my Bio. I wanted everyone to know I'm alive, well and working on stories / comics. There's some upcoming hybrid stories with art by Olaughalot and even something Boob Note related. That said, I can't reinforce enough how important feedback is. Up to the release of new content, consider reading one of the hundreds of stories I have here on DA and say what you love (or hate) about it. Besides the obvious of having some pocket money to spend on digital waifus... (FGO and FEH are my guilty pleasures) ...the more important part of my patreon is getting feedback and reaction to stories. If you're not good at feedback? It's just as easy as saying what you liked. A specific character. A specific part. A specific line. The opinion of a layman is extremely helpful, arguably more helpful than an experts' observations. Anyway stay tuned. I'll post some teaser images today, but look forward to the whole thing in the near future.
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Profile Comments 38

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Who drew your profile pic?

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Hey i can help you with that ☺️

Not at this time, only commissions.  But I won't stop you from putting forward ideas... Because if I like any idea enough I might write about it.

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Yes.  Fanfiction is a continuation of an existing story or existing characters in a different setting (without an official connection to the real story, hence the fan part).  A tribute piece is reconstructing a story based on its elements or themes.  Using the name basically makes it fanfiction by default.

Boob Note is a tribute story because it's just borrowing the concept of a magic notebook.

If the story was about someone that found Kira's death note, but only used it to expand boobs that would be fanfiction.

Hello Shamus, hope you are doing alright during these strange two years.