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shaloneSK's avatar

CE - Skylander Elora



NO Wait D:... I failed to post this, I'm so sorry Razz XD; This was a picture I drew for the :iconjustforfaun: Contest. Of what Elora would look like if she was in the skylander's world, So This is my version of her, It's not much but this is the best as what I could think up for her. ^^; I hope it look alright. She would be in the Earth element category. Her moves would be Hoove quake (ya know stomping on the ground with her feet, shake the ground wooo ) and another one would be her golden hoovearang. :iconimhappyplz: she carries a few of them in her pouches. ;3

art © Shalone Howard/me
Elora © Universal
Do not copy,edit, repost or distribute! >;\
Image size
895x544px 505.37 KB
© 2011 - 2025 shaloneSK
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MagicFool64's avatar
Why Skylanders is beloved by adults too?