LOZ - Link's AwakeningShalie on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/shalie/art/LOZ-Link-s-Awakening-341535320Shalie

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LOZ - Link's Awakening



Here I told myself, I wasn't going to do any more Zelda fanart for a while. But after watching *Shattered-Earth livestream of her rendtion from the game, it sparked a long forgotten idea I had! While she was painting, I quickly opened Photoshop and did a really messy sketch and layout, then came back a few weeks later.

Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening was quite a gem of a game, I first played it when my BF let me borrow it, having the original cartridge (and we still have it!) and I still have quite fond memories of it till this day! A rather a mysterious game in story, and far different then most other Zelda titles it really captured me, and I must have played it more then a few times. It also had it's goofy moments with other Nintendo extras, like Chainchomps and even a Yoshi Plush.

For this image, I wanted to include so much of the game's key elements that, the only way to really do it, was a story motif normally set into stained glass. I'm quite happy with how it came out!

11x17in prints are now available in my shop! nvy.gd/WYXBRO

Legend of Zelda, Link's Awakening © Nintendo
Artwork by Cassie 'Shalie' Wilson 2012
You can see a step by step here: shalie.deviantart.com/art/Link…
Image size
783x1200px 442.53 KB
© 2012 - 2025 Shalie
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