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AiW - Hatter Sketches



That's right! I'm still pumping out the AiW and YOU CAN'T STOP ME!! :evillaugh::evillaugh::evillaugh:

You may recognise the sketch in the top-right corner from an earlier doodle-page. Made a few adjustments to it, although you probably can't tell. Yeah. 'Member what I said about it being my final design of cartoon Hatter? Changed my mind.

Don't know how I feel about how these came out, though. :shrug: Guess I'll just let you guys be the judges.

Just read the descriptions of my other AiW pieces if you need a disclaimer. =P
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600x765px 303.02 KB
© 2008 - 2024 ShakaRaka
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THEMistahJay's avatar
I know they're all thinking
I'm so White N' nerdy

Think I'm just too white n' nerdy
Think I'm just too white n' nerdy
Can't you see I'm white n' nerdy
Look at me I'm white n' nerdy!

, sorry, that's what it made me think of, xD