Shadsie's avatar


Empress of Bones
169 Watchers699 Deviations


Artist // Hobbyist // Varied
  • United States
  • Deviant for 20 years
  • She / Her
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (154)
Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!
My Bio
Hello, I go by Shadsie. If you want to know my age, I "live outside of time."

I am an artist of varied mediums, some of them unusual. My favorite medium is acrylic paint and I frquently use animal bones as a canvas. I find these out in natural places and meticulously clean them - I don't kill any of the animals to make my art, they're all just found.

Otherwise, I paint on canvas and paper. I draw, I sculpt a little and I even do a bit of digital work - in short, I work with whatever I can get my hands on and do a lot of experimenting.

I have an associate's degree in graphic design, but it hasn't seen much work. I have written fantasy novels, which can be found on Amazon Kindle in both digital and paperback formats:

"A World of Rusted Dreams"

- In a future world a young girl named Mira lives in the town of Rust, which makes its living from scavenging the remains of the past. Discontent to remain there without having at least one great adventure in her life, she summons a Guardian from the Heavens to protect her on a journey to her nation's capital city. Guardians are spiritual companions that only come to those summon them with earnest hearts and can only be seen by those that believe in them. Computer edition. $4.99 / FREE to Prime subscribers.… Paperback, $12.99


"Malarkey and Belinda"

In the small nation of Serrif a creature is born as the first, the last and the only of his kind. He is derisively named “Malarkey” by the man who commissioned his creation as a way to spite the mages in his employ who thought his birth impossible.

Malarkey is a gryphon – a re-creation of a beast that had been extinct in his world for almost a century. His kind were creatures of loyalty and could be bonded to a single human as a protector with an unshakable faith. He was created to serve the king of Serrif, Lord Cirrit, as a weapon of war. But instead, the bond that is the blessing and curse of his blood finds him pledging his life to Belinda, the house slave assigned as his caretaker and adoptive mother.

As turmoil rises at the edges of their kingdom, as well as from within, the gryphon and woman must rely upon each other in a quest for mutual freedom. They must navigate a deadly world in which both men and beasts are against them. But still, they have each other – and for as long as they both survive, that might just be enough for the two of them to spread their wings and fly.… Computer Edition / Basic Edition $3.99… Paperback Edition / Basic Edition $14.99… Paperback Edition / Deluxe Edition $44.99

- The difference between the Basic Editions and the Deluxe Edition is that the Deluxe Edition has full-color painted illustrations, while the Basic Edition has black and white pen and ink illustrations.

Otherwise, I am prone to becoming obsessed with various entertainments and will do fan art for such. My gallery is split between fan art, works on skulls and bones, artwork related to my novels, original misc. artwork and jewelry-making.

I am willing to take concrit on all works unless specified, even on older works for which I am too lazy to enable the new "critique" feature on.


Current Residence: Hyrule.
Favourite genre of music: Classic Rock, Alternative, Various
Favourite style of art: Fantasy, Nature Art, Surrealism, Realism, Anime.
Operating System: Whatever I get my hands on.
Shell of choice: Hmm... something made of bone?
Wallpaper of choice: Painted animal bones cover my walls.
Skin of choice: No skin. Bone.
Favourite cartoon character: Vash the Stampede.
Personal Quote: I don't want a world where no one dies. I want a world where no one wants to die.

Favourite Visual Artist
Much too many to list.
Favourite Movies
The Last Unicorn, The Back to the Future Trilogy, Pixar features
Favourite TV Shows
The X-Files, Futurama
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Favourite Books
The Last Unicorn, Lord of the Rings, A Wrinkle in Time
Favourite Writers
Much too many to list.
Favourite Games
Shadow of the Colossus, the various Legends of Zelda.
Favourite Gaming Platform
Nintendo 3Ds, but I'm not picky
Tools of the Trade
Pencils, Pens, Photoshop, Acrylic Paint, Coffee, Tea, Animal Bones, whatever I can get my hands on.
Other Interests
Art, Writing, Animals, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Anime, Manga, Bones, Shiny Things.
I... basically don't come here anymore except to post an occasional artwork and I might stop even doing that. This is because I HATE, DESPISE and LOATHE the latest format here. I find the general most-recent design of the website unsightly and, most of all, I find it difficult to find and to deal with things on here, be it updates to clubs I'm in, people on my watch, notifications, managing my galleries or even FINDING MY OWN STUFF. I honestly hate the page now, finding it user-unfriendly. I post most things on tumblr these days under shadsiethewriter.
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We need a little help to get over the hump this week. We had an unexpectedly wiped-out paycheck due to someone taking out payment for a bill at the wrong time. It happens from time to time when you have to budget as tightly as we do. We need to be able to afford gas and car payments this week and we're in the red. ArkNorth has set up a Go Fund Me. If you would like to donate, we'd thank you a whole lot. And, if you wish, I can thank you with art! I draw mainly traditional media (I just don't think my digital works are very good). Will do fan art (She-Ra, The Legend of Zelda, Trigun, various anime and cartoons), fantasy art, animals, spooky scary skeletons. No porn. Contact me (email is shadsieblue@yahoolcom and my tumblr is shadsiethewriter) or just reply on here / this journal-thread if you want to chip in a five or ten (or more?) and would like to get some art out of it! The Go Fund Me:
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0 min read
So, apparently Deviant Art is moving to their new format in May. I guess I'm going to have to get used to it BY FORCE now. The pages default to Eclipse.  I tried Eclipse.  I DON'T LIKE Eclipse!  I keep turning it back to default because I don't like the new format. I hate being forced into things I don't like.  Apparently, DA doesn't care about leaving the option open for us old farts.  They think it's an improvement, but I honestly find stuff on Eclipse more difficult to find and organize.  I hate to sound like an old fuddy-duddy slow-to-adapt person, but... yeah?  When I get used to something, I don't like change.  
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Profile Comments 195

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Thank you so much for the favorite!

Hi Shadsie! Your old fanfic Hero’s Blood inspired me this Halloween to draw some fan art!

Thank you so much for the watch! =D
I was seeing your Linktobers on my tumblr feed (following Linktober) and... well, followed your link to your Triforce role-reversal pic and realized I'd been enjoying some of your art there. So, no brainer. 
Well, regardless, I'm happy to have you =)
Thank you so much for the favorite!
Hi! Here are the first five chapters of the story that I've been working on. I'm hoping to turn it into either a webcomic or a graphic novel. Please let me know what you think.

Also, som


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 r can be found on my Profile page.