dreaming canvasShadowValentine on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/shadowvalentine/art/dreaming-canvas-287620046ShadowValentine

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ShadowValentine's avatar

dreaming canvas




inspired by shinedown

~Hello, let me introduce you to
The characters in the show
One says yes, one says no
Decide, which voice in your head you can keep alive

Even in madness, I know you still believe
Paint me on canvas so I become
What you could never be

I dare you to tell me to walk through the fire
Wear my soul and call me a liar
I dare you to tell me to walk through the fire
I dare you to tell me
I dare you to

Hello, are you still chasing
The memories in shadows
Some stay young, some grow old
Come alive, there are thoughts unclear
You can never hide

Even in madness, I know you still believe
Paint me your canvas so I become
What you could never be

I dare you to tell me to walk through the fire
Wear my soul and call me a liar
I dare you to tell me to walk through the fire
I dare you to tell me
I dare you to

I dare you to tell me to walk through the fire
Wear my soul and call me a liar
I dare you to tell me to walk through the fire
I dare you to tell me
I dare you to
I dare you to tell me
I dare you to
I dare you to tell me
I dare you to~ shinedown
Image size
640x960px 29.31 KB
© 2012 - 2025 ShadowValentine
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lionloves's avatar
i have two voices in my head but i nolonger now witch to follow. they both lead me to the bad side sooner or later. and they do come sooner that later.