Member of
awesome people i know in real life:
and (even though he doesnt post anything)
awesome people i know on DA:
people i don't really know thta well, but are still awesome: xsparkydragonxx:
i'm also on steam and skype under the same info as DA.
and now i have a tumbler: nyow
about me
i guess i should put something here....
Favorite genre of music: lavender town leaf-green music
Favorite style of art: drawing and stories
Operating System: vista, MS-DOS, unbantu
MP3 player of choice: iPod nano 5G
Phone of Choice: Nokia Lumia 521
Wallpaper of choice: anything cool
Favorite cartoon character: Red, Shadow the hedgehog, grey(from inhuman)
Personal Quote: indestructible? challenge accepted.
webcomics i read
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Games i frequent