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Kokoro Slay the Spire Mod is now available!



A year ago, I have started working on a mod for the rogue-lite card battler "Slay the Spire".
Now, after a couple of breaks and roughly half a year of working time (most of it going towards making the art assets), it is finally finished!

You can check out the mod here:…

The mod adds Hata no Kokoro with a full set of cards, 7 new relics and several new(ish) mechanics!
If you like Slay the Spire, feel free to check it out!

Okay, enough of the shameless self promotion.
For this picture, I wanted to go a bit more for a style as shown in Slay the Spire, so I tried out some more non cell shading, and no outlines.
I think this came out fairly well for the first time, and I think I even learned a few things when it comes to shading clothes.
I think. Not too sure. xD

Also, you remember how 2020 was my busiest year so far?
On top of that, I was working on this mod, making art for it and coding it and all that stuff.
And despite that, I still managed to make an image per week. I still don'T know how I managed to do that. xD

Oh well. 
Now that this mod is out, I can take things a little slower again... is what I'd like to say, but there's probably a ton of bugs in my mod that need to be swatted, so that'll take some of my time from now on... Oh well.

In any case, I hope you like this image, and take a look at the mod, too!
Image size
1920x1200px 1.54 MB
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