Male abuse awareness weekshadowlight-oak on DeviantArt

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Male abuse awareness week



December 1st - 8th is male abuse awareness week, because abuse is NOT gender specific - men can be and are hurt too

- 1 in 6 boys will be sexually abused before their 16th birthday. (US Deptartment of Justice)
- One in five of adult rape victims are male (Federal Bureau of Investigation in the US)
- As many as 1 in 5 males will be sexually abused before the age of 18 (Federal Bureau of Investigation in the US)
- 80% of men who have experienced sexual abuse have been abused by a female, most often their mother. (Journal of the American Medical Association - 1998)
- In a retrospective study of male victims 60% reported being abused by females. The same rate was found also in a sample of college students. In other studies the levels were found as high as 72% o 82%. (Risin and Ross,1987)
- 15% of gay men who had lived with a male partner reported being victimized by a male partner. 15.4% of same-sex cohabiting men reported being raped, physically assaulted and/or stalked by a male partner, and 10.8% reported such violence by a female partner. (US Deptartment of Justice)
- In one servay of male doestic violence survivors it was found that 39% of mothers threated to remove the children if the father did not obay her rules/comands: 40% encouraged the children to ignore or undermine the father: and 9% encouraged the children to assault him.

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Theneapolitankitty92's avatar

I'm so damn tired of female abusers getting excused or getting by with a slap on the wrist! :angry  And I'm also tired of male victims getting ridiculed and blamed too!