6303 Hund's Blame it on my ADD~ShadowKuri on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/shadowkuri/art/6303-Hund-s-Blame-it-on-my-ADD-407941169ShadowKuri

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6303 Hund's Blame it on my ADD~



Nordanner ID: #6303
Registered Name: Hund's Blame it on my ADD~
Barn name: Baby, Babe
Breed: Nordanner
Registered: Pending
Gender: Stallion
Age: 5 Years
Height: 17hh
Phenotype: Chestnut Kascel Panda (silver carrier)
Genotype: ee aa nZ nPan nKc

None :)

Kaaring Level:
#6303 Hund's Blame it on my ADD~ Kaaring! by ShadowKuri

Basic, Halter, Liberty

Base Personality:
Babe is a feminine, silly little fellow that doesn't have a serious bone in his body when not training. He loves to play and run, as well as eats like a pig. Sugar cubes are his favorite. He is a well loved member of the stable. Spooks easily on his blind side if someone doesn't announce themselves. Would NEVER kick anyone, nor bite. He's safe to put any child on.

When training, he's a very fancy, and polite mover, often looking very composed. He loves it when others look up to him.

Babe, as a yearling, was involved in a trailer accident with a deer, resulting in the trailer and truck going over the side of a small cliff, about 20 feet. The trailer was smashed beyond repair and the passenger, one of the stable hands, died. Luck was on the side of Babe, who only suffered a severe scar across the left side of his face. He IS blind in his left eye, and tends to get spooked when people come up too fast on that side without announcing themselves.

Aside from his injury, and the healing, both mental and physical for months afterwards, Babe has come out relatively unscathed. He does still have trouble getting onto trailer if he isn't with another horse.

Starters are Bolded :)

--- SS: SDS Ciel 481. deseased.
Sire: OS Ajax 1837.
--- SD: OS Lilliath 505.

Dam: ArDes Desert Royalty 506.

Lineage- 2Pts for Quality, 3Pts for Excellent.
"Quality Blood" [1-5 star] lineage: 1
"Excellent Blood" [5+ or Trophy] lineage: 1
Total; 5 Pts.

Quality Blood

:star: SDS Ciel 481.

Excellent Blood

:trophy: ArDes Desert Royalty 506.

Breeding: CLOSED.
Want a open slot? Send me a note & Read my rules.
Payment will have to be in Art or Points.
No DOM's may be made without my permission.

(If you paid/negotated a slot, and you aren't here, please let me know!]

1. Mine
2. Mine
3. Mine
4. sazzy-riza [Dams Slot, Usable]
5. BVS-Isle [Usable]
6. WhiteWoodWardens [Usable]
7. Closed.
8. Closed.
9. Closed.
10. Closed.

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Foal Design:
Foal #6303 by ShadowKuri
sazzy-riza (c) Design.
Image size
603x561px 144.93 KB
© 2013 - 2025 ShadowKuri
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HorsesRunninByMe's avatar
gorgeous baby ;.; 

you're lucky to have a panda. ;.; if this guy had a kaaring open slot is be on it quicker than you could blink xD