General StuffBirthdate: May 22 (Gemini)
Height: 5'2
Weight: 100-110 lbs
Likes: Drawing, playing video games, learning foreign languages
Dislikes: being forced to do things/ being told what to do
Other stupid stuff about me 'cuz I'm too lazy to type out a profile Bio I was adopted from China, though I've lived in Amurica for almost my whole life.
I'm a super anime freak.
I like learning foreign languages. Maybe someday I'll become a translator or something.
I like starting projects, but I usually never complete them because I get bored really easily.
I was diagnosed with the auto-immune disorder "Lupus" in the fall of 2012.
I'm really bad at being interesting.
I'm a self-taught artist.
You can tell.
Any other questions or comments you have, just comment on my profile or something, I'll probably answer. I like talking to people.
My chatroom for if you actually want to have a convo. or virtually beat me up. IDK. I made it on whim, yo. :
I'm usually in here when I'm online, so feel free to pop in. If I'm ever invisible (not always, but a lot of times), then check here if you need me. Or just use it for your own needs, I don't care.
hey, hey Jackal
been awhile :3
how you been ^w^
also happy holidays to you