Graphic Designer and Illustrator. Anime fan, gamer and general lover of awesomeness.
We are TheFantasyKings and we are spreading Words of a Creativist’s Strength. Because we believe that a creative heart is the most vulnerable thing, and why most wither before what life throws at them is because they are weak. Whether you are old or new, recite these words:
· A creativist must be strong.
· A creativist must have the power of faith.
· A creativist must keep only the root inspiration alive.
· A creativist must always grow.
You become strong in many ways. You gain strength through practice, being emotionally strong, have disciplines, learning from the past or future headstrong self, through God. A creativist must be lucky. That comes from believing that everything will turn out great in the end and go on, then things will eventually become better. (But do use your reason.) The third point clears things from getting complicated. It’s very easy and very dangerous to be stuck in hoarding memory, in a creativist’s case, what things have inspired them. With time this list grows and the worry to lose those little things ‘that made you’ increases. Instead, you should keep the root inspiration – the book, the movie, the game, the experience, the feeling or the want – that maybe be one or three. Because that is the one that paved the path for you, what actually made you, all the others just come to teach something. And you can always regrow your list if you need. You must keep growing and expand your ground. (And stick to your one ground.) Don’t be stopped by the limited knowledge, skills or critic at the moment. You always learn throughout your journey. Let the words let you focus.
We hope you rise quicker from every slump you fall. And if you have any suggestion to make in these words, do reply.