Line-Gift Art: TobyFShadouKitsune on DeviantArt

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Line-Gift Art: TobyF



hmm... This is a line art version of a... I guess you could call it a gift (not sure though) for tobyf.
It took me two tries to get a worthwhile appearance as this was the first time I drew something asides foxes and anything that closely resembles that of a canine. This is also one of the only picture that took me longer than usual to clean up (I basically had to redraw it on the computer because the scanner didn't detect all the lines).
As to why I chose this kind of posture... your guess is as good as mine. Me lacking the ideas on what to draw --; ...the idea of this is probably the eating of raw fish can cause minor problems... sounds kinda cruel I know but that's how it usually is for animals IRL. Maybe that's what this is, a combination of two catagories (Anthro/Animal... or maybe I'm just out of my mind or something).
So Tobias gets a fish to eat and turns out that the fish doesn't approve and whacks him on the cheek (not the typical idea of gift art I know... but as I said, I was under a lack of ideas on what to draw), resulting in him saying that the next time he's hungry that he'll order take out rather than raw (at least the food won't hit back).
Colored version hopefully coming soon.
I originally found it funny... maybe it's not anymore... eh... well, hope you like Toby o.o;.

Tobias © +tobyf
Art © me --;
(Drawing time: 3 hours [times 2 for the two attemps]; Clean up time: 5 hours)
Image size
1100x850px 44.87 KB
© 2004 - 2025 ShadouKitsune
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Icellina's avatar
awwww, soo cute! ^.^ ~giggles~