Stary Sky Stockshaded-stock on DeviantArt

Deviation Actions

shaded-stock's avatar

Stary Sky Stock



Made by `budgie

Terms of Use:

- Free to use in your deviations so long as it is altered and made a part of your picture
- Free to use for prints and other commercial projects so long as it follows the rest of these rules
- NOT to be redistributed or offered on another site as stock.
- A link back in your discription as credit if used
- Please leave me a comment on this deviation if you use to your picture so that I can see :3
- If you wish to create other stock from it that's fine so long as it is significantly altered into something else (like used in the sky for a scenery stock) and not just changed colour and lighting.

Please Leave Link In Comments If Used

Image size
1680x1050px 249.83 KB
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Eymele's avatar
Thank you for sharing. Used here:
Serenade by Eymele

and here : eymele-photomontages.eklablog.…